Bitwarden Postgresql

If I’m going to run bitwarden_rs and mysql in separate containers (using docker compose), do I use the server-mysql image, or do I use the server image and just change the DATABASE_URL setting?

As soon as you have a bitwarden client, and you connect to it from time to time, then its already a backup because even if server down you can still get the passwords it had last time. So you can export it and import it in a fresh bitwarden instance if ever the server broke or something. I would NOT setup a VPN just for bitwarden. Also, the most recent versions of the bitwardenrs/server:testing container has multi-database support now, and can be used for sqlite3, mysql/mariadb and postgresql. I don’t see anything strange in this command. What do you see in the bitwarden.log file located at /home/bitwardenrs/?

Related confusion:

Docker Hub images have the same dockerfile

Bitwarden Postgresql

I’m pretty new to Docker, etc, so maybe this isn’t an issue.

When I look at the individual Docker Hub pages for the bitwarden_rs images with different back ends, I expect to see different contents on the “Dockerfile” tab. This makes me think that the mysql and postgres images aren’t built correctly.


Bitwarden Postgresql Command


Bitwarden Postgresql

The PostgreSQL one is the same, but as a new user I can only post two links.