Perfect Diet Tracker

As its name implies, Perfect Diet Tracker is a program designed to help you keep a diet, in order to reach the weight of your dreams. The interface of the program is based on a simple-to-use. Sleep Tracker: Track your sleep habits and use the company's proprietary algorithm to wake you up at your lightest stage of sleep — or in other words, make your morning wake-up call a little easier. Multi-Activity GPS: Track your running and cycling routes and even climbing, plus more. Note: Running the GPS in the background does wear down.

What is the Perfect Diet Tracker?

The Perfect Diet Tracker is an easy to use software application designed to help you track your diet and achieve a safe and consistent weight loss, maintaining that weight loss once you reach your target. Microsoft edge bing.

It’s both easy to use and it works!

Download the free trial

Click on a button below to download the free trial version now.

Our free trial is exactly that. Free.

Try the software free with no forms to fill, we do not even ask for your name or email. As the diet tracker runs on your computer anything you enter into the diary remains private.

There are absolutely no restrictions in the trial. You will gain access to every feature found in the full version for 7 days. If you like what you see you can choose to make a one-time payment to buy the full version. There are no further subscriptions or the need for a ‘membership’.

Key features

The Perfect Diet Tracker solution

The Perfect Diet Tracker is award winning diet software designed to help you lose weight & keep it off. It uses firm scientific foundations and proven calorie counting methods. The software has an easy to use, intuitive interface and an extensive international food and exercise database. It is simple, affordable and safe.

You can use the suggestions provided by the software based on your specific user profile or follow your own diet plan. Through the diary and extensive food database, you quickly learn which foods affect your diet the most and how you can take control of your own weight management.

What will I be able to eat?

You decide!

Obviously if you try to enter a diet made up entirely of chocolate you will find the calorie counter quickly turns ‘red’ and your nutritional profile does not come close to the target, however we are not saying you need to eat a diet consisting of ‘rabbit food’ either. The key is finding a balance you can live with, a diet that is both good for you and one you can maintain.

The Perfect Diet Tracker software provides an easy way to find this balance with full and free access to calorific and nutritional data helping you find your ‘perfect diet’.


Will the diet work for me?

The diet calculations used by the Perfect Diet Tracker work for the vast majority of people.

The two groups of users the calculations do not work for are extreme athletes and those users with a very high body mass index (‘morbidly obese, category III’). In these cases, the software can still track your diet however it will be unable to suggest a daily calorific allowance. If you fall into either group you should consult your doctor to discuss a suitable calorific allowance and nutritional profile and enter these manually, the software can then be used as a calorie counter and diet planner.


What makes the Perfect Diet Tracker better than other solutions?

We believe the Perfect Diet Tracker is the easiest to use diet tracking solution currently available.

There are no ongoing subscriptions and a fully functional free trial version with no registration requirements so you can fully try the software before considering buying.

The bottom line is the Perfect Diet Tracker is based on solid scientific calculations and methods ensuring you lose weight safely and effectively. Why not try it today?

I decided to commit to some food tracking as part of my attempt to beat gallstones without surgery. I’ve used these types of programs in the past like most people use them: for a week or two until they become to much of a pain in the a$$. I was determined to find something that works. After lots of research and trials, I settled on Perfect Diet Tracker: . I’m using a Mac for this, but nicely, the software is available for Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Track Weight Loss Online

The biggest barrier to using these types of calorie counting, diet tracking programs is the difficulty in entering foods. If it is too difficult to add what you just ate, you simply will stop using the program. This where Perfect Diet Tracker really shines. It has an extremely robust database of foods and they interface makes it easy to enter them. They have an extremely extensive list of raw foods, generic entries for things like “sushi”, and an amazing list of brand name stuff. Beyond the average “McDonalds This” and “Taco Bell That”, they have products you’ll find in health food and specialty stores. Some of the things I’ve been eating, including Ezekiel brand sprouted grain, Santa Cruz Organic Juices, and Nancy’s Kefir were all in there. Score!

I’m enjoying the experience. It is a great way to keep track of what you are eating, but more importantly, it tracks the proportions of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins and helps you course correct throughout the day. Tracking also makes you much more aware of what you are eating, the portion sizes, etc. This can be valuable for both gaining and losing weight. For me, I am fighting to keep my calorie count up. After 2 weeks thinking I had an ulcer and dealing with the excruciating pain of the attacks, I have to focus to make sure I eat enough right now. Perfect Diet Tracker really helps. It also helps to encourage you to eat a more varied diet because it is easy to see if you’re eating too much of the same things: very important if the root cause of your gallstones is an underactive liver and gallbladder.

Diet Tracker Free

I’m pleased. Currently, I’m using the free trial and they have not cut me off yet. Hopefully the trial last until my next ultrasound in 6 months. Highly recommended.